Old Jarhead Poems : The Heart o a Marine
Robert A. Hall Jr.
Old Jarhead Publishing (2011)
In Collection
Paperback 9781463766214
Product Details
Nationality American
Pub Place Des Plaines, IL
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Conflict Vietnam
From back cover
"Old Jarhead poems is a colelction of traditional verse about Marines, the Corps, courage, war, friendship and freedom written over more than forty years by a Marine. Many of these poems have been previously published in Leatherneck and other magazines. Those who love the Marines, respect courage and dedication or who admire traditional poetry about the old values will find this small volume a treasured keepsake they will return to time and again."

From https://www.createspace.com/3602345
Robert A. Hall has been a successful non-profit executive since 1982, after five terms in the Massachusetts Senate. He was first elected in 1972, the year he graduated from college, defeating a Democrat incumbent by nine votes out of 60,000 cast, in a 4-1 Democrat district, last won by a Republican in 1938. He was re-elected four times by increasing margins, carrying every city and town in the district, and was nominated by both parties in 1976. He was Minority Whip when he retired undefeated in 1982. Hall holds an AA in liberal arts from Mount Wachusett Community College (1970), a BA in government from the University of Massachusetts (1972) and a MEd in history from Fitchburg State University (1980). He is also a Marine Vietnam veteran, having served four years in the regulars before college and, while a senator, another six in the reserves, finishing with the rank of Staff Sergeant. A frequently-published freelance writer, Hall’s columns, articles, short stories and poetry have appeared in over 75 local and national publications. His book of anecdotes about the Marines and politics, The Good Bits, was published by AuthorHouse in 2005. He followed that with a book on association management, Chaos for Breakfast: Practical Help and Humor for the Non-profit Executive, which was published in 2008 by the American Society of Association Executives (Royalties go to charity.) CYA: Protecting Yourself in the Modern Jungle, a humor/self-help book was produced by PublishAmerica in 2010. Most recently, Hall wrote a short book about the future of our country, The Coming Collapse of the American Republic: And what you can do to prevent it. It’s available on Amazon. All royalties go to a charity to help wounded veterans. An E-Book version is available at SmashWords.com. Hall has been married to his first wife, Bonnie, since 1992. Currently he manages an association, reads extensively in history, politics and economics and writes articles for his political blog, The Old Jarhead. He is a former Scottish Country Dancer, but has Pulmonary Fibrosis, an eventually-terminal illness that curtails his physical activities as he requires oxygen for mobility. Comments, fan letters and hate mail from free verse poets and English professors may be sent to him at tartanmarine@gmail.com.