Branin, Jeff
Kawabata Press (1981)
In Collection
Paperback 9780906110294
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Dewey 811
Nationality American
First Edition Yes
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Conflict Vietnam
Newman 1162.

Only 10 copies on Worldcat.

The author served a tour of duty in 1968 and 1969, building bunkers and latrines "in various degrees of boonies" and serving as a replacement commanding officer after a fragging incident. The book recalls more about sexual misadventures than about combat, though it gives details of rocket attacks and sappers. One poem entitled "Mens" carries Vietnam soldier's argot to its limit, creating the entire poem out of the jargon issued in a series of commands to suggest mental overload. Some poems are about casualties; one of them is a second-hand war story about an atrocity against a civilian and the suicide of a GI who witnessed it. Some poems link killing and wounding with sexual aggression. -- Newman 521