"El mono azul" (1936 - 1039 and Spain's Civil War Poetry
Gant, John Eric
University of North Carolina Press (1993)
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Bound Thesis 
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Nationality Spanish
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Conflict Spanish Civil War
This dissertation is a study of the poetry published during the Spanish Civil War in El Mono Azul, a leading antifascist journal. Through careful study of its historical and literary content, one may detect three distinct stages in the journal's ideological character and expression. These stages represent the journal's total, partial, and detached commitment to its cause as the War progressed. The main purpose of the journal, however, remained constant: its devotion to the "people" or the "masses."

After an introduction (Chapter I) to the "Little Magazines" of the 1920s and 1930s, El Mono Azul is examined. Chapter II deals with the collectivist stance of the poets who published in its pages. In the following and final chapter, representative poems are studied. The conclusion arrived is that unlike the unified show of support for the Left, characteristic of the early stages of the journal, later poets vary in their idealized commitment to antifascist ideologies. The three Appendices contain an index of the poets and the poetry contained in MA, and a classification of the poems contained in this journal.