Reflections on the Golden River
Jack Wolf
Authorhouse (2005)
In Collection
Paperback 1420859455
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Nationality American
Cover Price $13.95
No. of Pages 112
Height x Width 8.0 x 5.0  inch
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Conflict WW2
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A native of Omaha, Nebraska, born in 1922, Wolf began his checkered career at an early age, first as a vegetable seller to beat Depression hunger, and then as a World War II soldier in the jungles of India, mountains of Burma, vast lands of China. After the war, he earned a university degree in chemisty and worked briefly in the U.S.A. before moving to Europe to study, write, paint. Today the Whitney Museum in New York City owns one of his paintings from that era. He walked the streets of Paris, explored the caves of Spain, and became a foreign television correspondent in Africa and the Middle East. After his first of nine books found a publisher, and his paintings were being shown in the galleries of London, he and his wife returned to the U.S.A. to open an art gallery. This led to becoming a university professor. Despite his checkered career, his first love was and continues to be poetry.