War Poems by Auslander
Auslander, Joseph
Life (ND)
In Collection
Magazine cutting 
Product Details
Nationality American
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Read It Yes
Location odb
Owner EC's1-199
User Defined
Conflict WW2
EC-# EC-0053
3 pages taken out of a magazine with 7 poems including : New Illiad, Incident at Saint Lo, Temporary Lull, Highway 6, Press Dispatch: Aprilla, The Road to Rome, and Lines for Mark Clark. Contains photograph above every poem and contemporary advertisements. Introduction "few literary or artistic achievements of note were evoked during the static agonies of World War I. But this vast global war, waged on distant oceans and in the uppermost sky, has already stimulated men in many nations to significant creative effort. With the first thunders of World War II the distinguished American poet Joseph Auslander began to concern himself with the epic materials of modern conflict..."