Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here - poets and writers respond to the march 5th, 2007, bombing of baghdad's "street of the booksellers"
Beausoleil, Beau (ed); Shehabi, Deema (ed)
PM Press (2012)
In Collection
Softcover 9781604865905
Product Details
LoC Classification E184.I6 .A14 2009
LoC Control Number 2011939672
Nationality Assorted
Pub Place Oakland
Dust Jacket no
User Defined
Conflict Iraq
publishers note
On March 5th, 2007, a car bomb was exploded on al-Mutanabbi Street in Baghdad—the historic center of Baghdad bookselling—wounding more than 100 people and killing more than 30. This anthology begins with a historical introduction to al-Mutanabbi Street and includes the writing of Iraqis as well as a wide swath of international poets and writers who were outraged by this attack. Exploring the question Where does al-Mutanabbi Street start?, the book looks at both communities and nations, seeking to show the commonality between a small street in Baghdad and other individual cultural centers and explain why this attack was an attack on us all. Chapters examine al-Mutanabbi Street as a place for the free exchange of ideas, a place that has long offered its sanctuary to the complete spectrum of Iraqi voices, and a place where the roots of democracy took hold many hundreds of years ago.