Shell Burst Pond
Baker, Richard E.
Vardaman Press (1982)
In Collection
Paperback 0942648021
Product Details
Edition New ed.
Nationality American
No. of Pages 28
Rare Yes
Personal Details
Read It Yes
User Defined
Conflict Vietnam
Newman 1152.

Only 4 copies in Worldcat.

"Shellburst Pond" -- cover title

Cover art by Vanessa Anne Boze. Inside art by Frank Boehm, 4th Infantry Division Pleiku, Vietnam 1966-1967.

These are poems about combat experience, showing a firefight as a game of chance; soldiers as victims of strategic mistakes in battles like Khe Sanh; prostitution as a vice that empties intimacy of meaning; soldiers' lives as expendable commodities; the fragging of a callous officer; interrogating old men with torture; bodies hanging on barbed wire as musicians to which soldiers dance. In poems about memory, the seatide bears off the memory of children killed; valid war memories consist in remembering the eyes of those slain. Surrealism in some poems in a way of expressing traumatic dislocation of attention, consciousness, identity, and myth. -- Newman 517