All That Is Mine Demand
Nordahl Grieg
Hodder & Stoughton (1944)
In Collection
aviator, KIA
Hardcover B000OIQ88Q
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Nationality Norway
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Conflict WW2
Norwegian poet, novelist, dramatist, and journalist. In the1930s Grieg was in his country among the foremost young dramatists. His theatrical techniques and stage effects showed the influence of Russian experimental theatre and film. During World War II Grieg's poetry gained a wide audience in the occupied Norway. Gried died in 1943 when his plane was shot down over Berlin. His distant relative was the famous composer Edvard Grieg.

Following the German invasion of Norway, Grieg volunteered for active duty in 1940, but his adventures could have been invented by Jaroslav Hasek. Grieg was recruited in the army without uniform or weapon as a private soldier. In the mountains he met a patrol that carried in sacks gold from the Bank of Norway. In Narvik the gold was moved into an English destroyer and Grieg followed its journey - it was to be delivered to the Bank of England. At a station much later the clerk from the bank did not show up, and Grieg became bored, left a plainclothes detective with the gold on the platform, and took a taxi to the Charing Cross Hotel.

Grieg served in Norway's government-in-exile and made patriotic radio programs in England. In 1940 he married the actress Gerd Egede-Nissen. Grieg was killed in Germany on December 2, 1943. He had joined in the capacity of an observer an Allied bombing mission and did not return from an attack on Berlin. Grieg's film script, Greater Wars, written in London in 1940-41, was found in 1989 and translated from English by Brikt Jensen. Grieg's war poems were collected in a volume entitled Friheten (1945). His most famous patriotic poems include '17. Mai 1940,' Godt år for Norge,' and 'På Tingvellir.'