Strike the Tents
Watson, Diane E.
Americana Souvenirs and Gifts (1999)
In Collection
Softcover 9781890541187
Product Details
Edition incribed
Nationality American
Pub Place Denton, MD
First Edition Yes
Personal Details
Read It Yes
Links Barnes & Noble
User Defined
Conflict Amer Civil War
Strike The Tents tells the story through poetry and photographs the personal lives of the average soldier fighting in the Civil War. Some of the titles are "Some Crying Out for Water", "A Letter Home", "Jenny's Heart", "Angel Hands", "Closer To The General" (about General John Reynolds who died at Gettysburg), "Anywhere Close", "The Gift". Lines from "Anywhere Close" read "I'm wearing blue, my brother's in gray, He left when the conflict arose, I love the Union, he disagrees, We'll talk when he's anywhere close." Diane E. Watson is the author and photographer of the black and white shots taken a at different sites on the battlefields. 20 pages. Dedicated to all the men in all the wars who dreamed of coming home.