Stone, Horatio
Philip and Solomons (1864)
In Collection
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Nationality American
Pub Place washington DC
Dust Jacket no
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Read It Yes
Purchase Price $38.33
User Defined
Conflict Amer Civil War
"The book appears to be signed on the front pastedown by Madeleine Vinton Dahlgren [1835-1898], the wife of John A. Dahlgren 'father of American naval ordinance'. She wrote under the pen name 'Cornelia' in opposition to woman's suffrage. The book is also signed on the fly leaf by or for Romaine Madeleine Goddard, who was the daughter of Madeleine Vinton Dahgren by her first marriage"
"Horatio Stone [1808-1875] was a sculptor. During the Civil War... he served as a contract surgeon with the Union army. The volume 'Freedom' includes the poem 'Eleutheria', which was set to music by George Henry Curtis as a cantata. Four of Stone's works are preserved in the Capitol, including his masterpiece, a statue of John Hancock."